(Photo by Ian Wallman)
Laurent, S., Renò, R. and Shi, S., Realized Drift, Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
Flora, M., Gianstefani, I. and Renò, R., The liquidity uncertainty premium puzzle, Journal of Time Series Analysis, forthcoming.
Ferrara, G., Flora, M. and Renò, R., The impact of COVID-19 on Italian sovereign bond market quality, Journal of Financial Services Research, forthcoming
Kolokolov, A. and Renò, R., Jumps or staleness?, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2024, 42 (2), 516-532
Bandi, F., Pirino, D. and Renò, R., Systematic Staleness, Journal of Econometrics, 2024, 238 (1), 105522
Menkveld, A. et al., Nonstandard Errors, Journal of Finance, 2024, 78 (3), 2339-2390
Christensen, K, Oomen, R. and Renò, R., The drift burst hypothesis, Journal of Econometrics, 2022, 227(2), 461-497
Bandi, F. and Renò, R., β in the tails, Journal of Econometrics, 2022, 227(1), 134-150
Bandi, F., Kolokolov, A., Pirino, D. and Renò, R., Zeros, Management Science, 2020, 66(8), 3466-3479
Bandi, F. and Renò, R., Nonparametric Stochastic Volatility, Econometric Theory, 2018, 34(6), 1207-1255
Pacati, C., Pompa, G., and Renò, R., Smiling Twice: the Heston++ model, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2018, 96, 185-206
Oliva, I., and Renò, R., Optimal Portfolio Allocation with Volatility and Co-jump Risk that Markowitz would like, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2018, 94, 242-256
Kolokolov, A. and Renò, R., Efficient Multipowers, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2018, 16(4), 629-659
Bandi, F., Pirino, D. and Renò, R., EXcess Idle Time, Econometrica, 2017, 85(6), 1793-1846
Caporin, M., Kolokolov, A. and Renò, R., Systemic Co-jumps, Journal of Financial Economics, 2017, 126(3), 563-591
Bandi, F. and Renò, R., Price and volatility co-jumps, Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, 119(1), 107-146
Mancini, C., Mattiussi, V., and Renò, R., Spot volatility estimation with delta sequences, Finance & Stochastics, 2015, 19(2), 261-293
Pacati, C., Renò, R. and Santilli, M., Heston model: shifting on the volatility surface, Risk, 2014, November, 54-59
Marmi, S., Pacati, C., Renò, R. and Risso, W. A., A quantitative approach to Faber’s tactical asset allocation, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 2013, 3(1), 91-101
Bandi, F. and Renò, R., Time-varying leverage effects, Journal of Econometrics, 2012, 161, 94-113
Corsi, F. and Renò, R., Discrete-time volatility forecasting with persistent leverage effect and the link with continuous-time volatility modeling, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2012, 30(3), 368-380
Mancini, C. and Renò, R., Threshold estimation of jump-diffusion models and interest rate modeling, Journal of Econometrics, 2011, 160, 77-92
Corsi, F., Pirino, D. and Renò, R., Threshold bipower variation and the impact of jumps on volatility forecasting, Journal of Econometrics, 2010, 159, 276-288
Bianco, S., Corsi, F. and Renò, R., Intraday LeBaron effects, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, 2009, 106: 11439-11443
Pirino, D. and Renò, R., Electricity prices: A nonparametric approach, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 2010, 13(02), 285-299
Bianco, S. and Renò, R., Unexpected volatility and intraday serial correlation, Quantitative Finance, 2009, 9(4), 465-475
Renò, R., Nonparametric estimation of the diffusion coefficient of stochastic volatility models, Econometric Theory, 2008, 24(5), 1174-1206
Mannolini, A., Mari, C. and Renò, R., Pricing caps and floors with the extended CIR model, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2008, 13(4), 386-400
Basili, M., Zappia, C. and Renò, R., Asset prices and multiple reference points, Journal of Financial Decision Making, 2008, 4, 71-81
Iori, G., Renò, R., De Masi, G. and Caldarelli, G., Trading strategies in the Italian interbank market, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2007, 376, 467-479
Lamedica, N. and Renò, R., Integration of international bond markets: did anything change with EMU?, Applied Economics Letters, 2007, 14(11), 829-832
Renò, R., Nonparametric estimation of stochastic volatility models, Economics Letters, 2006, 90, 390-395
Bianco, S. and Renò, R., Dynamics of intraday serial correlation in the Italian futures market, Journal of Futures Markets, 2006, 26(1), 61-84
Renò, R., Roma, A. and Schaefer, S., A Comparison of Alternative Non?parametric Estimators of the Short Rate Diffusion Coefficient, Economic Notes, 2006, 35(3), 227-252
Mari, C. and Renò, R., Arbitrary initial term structure within the CIR model: A perturbative solution, Applied Mathematical Finance, 2006, 13(2), 143-153
Chukanov, C. et al., Production properties of K(892)+-vector mesons and their spin alignment as measured in the NOMAD experiment*, European Physical Journal C, 2006, 46, 69-79
Mari, C. and Renò, R., Credit risk analysis of mortgage loans: an application to the Italian market, European Journal of Operational Research, 2005, 163:83-93
Mancino, M. E. and Renò, R., Dynamic principal component analysis of multivariate volatility via Fourier analysis, Applied Mathematical Finance, 2005, 12(2), 187-199
Gentile, M. and Renò, R., Specification analysis of diffusion models for the Italian short rate, Economic Notes, 2005, 34(1), 51-83
Renò, R. and Uboldi, A., On the presence of unspanned volatility in European interest rate options, Applied Financial Economics Letters, 2005, 1(1), 15-18
Pasquale, M. and Renò, R., Statistical properties of trading volume depending on size, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2005, 346(3), 518-528
Barucci, E., Impenna, C. and Renò, R., The Italian Overnight Market: microstructure effects, the martingale hypothesis and the payment system, Research in Banking and Finance, 2004, 4, 321-362
Barucci, E., Monte, R. and Renò, R., Asset prices anomalies under bounded rationality, Computational Economics, 2004, 23(3), 255-269
Barucci, E., Malliavin, P., Mancino, M., Renò, R. and Thalmaier, A., The price-volatility feedback rate: an implementable mathematical indicator of market stability, Mathematical Finance, 2003, 13: 17-35
Renò, R., A closer look at the Epps effect, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 2003, 6(01), 87-102
Renò, R. and Rizza, R., Is volatility lognormal? Evidence from Italian futures, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2003, 322, 620-628
Astier, P. et al., Search for νμ → νe oscillations in the NOMAD experiment, Physics Letters B, 2003, 570(1), 19-31
Barucci, E. and Renò, R., On Measuring Volatility and the GARCH Forecasting Performance, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2002, 12: 183-200
Barucci, E. and Renò, R., On measuring volatility of diffusion processes with high frequency data, Economics Letters, 2002, 74: 371-378
Astier, P. et al., A more sensitive search for νμ → νe oscillations in NOMAD, Physics Letters B, 1999, 453(1), 169-186
0DTE Option Pricing, with F. Bandi and N. Fusari
Taking advantage of biased proxies for forecast evaluation, with G. Buccheri and G. Vocalelli
Structural Stochastic Volatility, with F. Bandi and N. Fusari
BUMVU Estimators, with A. Kolokolov and P. Zoi
V-Shapes, with M. Flora
Local Edgeworth Expansions, with F. Bandi
Do Designated Market Makers Provide Liquidity During Extreme Price Movements? with M. Bellia, K. Christensen, A. Kolokolov and L. Pelizzon
A New Paradigm for High-Frequency Finance
Financed by MUR, under the program FIS 2021 (Fondo Italiano per la Scienza)PRICE: A New Paradigm for High-Frequency Finance
Principal Investigator: Davide Pirino.
Financed by MUR, under the program PRIN 2022
Sponsor of the data repository CAPIREHiDEA: Advanced Econometrics for High Frequency Data, website
Financed by MUR, under the program PRIN 2017.
Dr. Guido Gazzani
University of Verona - 2024-present, financed with FIS 2021Dr. Giorgio Vocalelli
University of Verona - 2021-present, financed with PRIN 2017 and PRIN 2022Dr. Francesco Benvenuti
University of Verona - 2020-2021, financed with PRIN 2017Dr. Maria Flora
University of Verona - 2019-2021, financed by the Department of Economics of the University of Verona