Prof. Roberto Renò

ESSEC Business School


Roberto Renò is Professor at the IDS Department (Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics) at ESSEC Business School.

Formerly, he was Visiting Professor at Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; Senior Fellow at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin; Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence; Full Professor at the University of Verona; Associate and Assistant Professor at the University of Siena, Visiting Professor at LUISS, Rome and Visiting Professor IMT, Lucca.

He holds a PhD in Financial Mathematics at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, and a Master in Physics at the University of Pisa.

His research focuses on various aspects of econometrics and finance, with specific contributions to asset pricing, high frequency financial econometrics, nonparametric statistics. 

He published research papers on leading finance, economics, econometrics, mathematics and physics journals.

Full CV